-an assessment will ascertain the cause of the pain. Some of the structures which can cause pain include:
A physio will assess your condition and determine a treatment plan specific for you. This could consist of manual therapy, neurodynamics, mobility exercises, a stretching program, and a strengthening/endurance program. Your program might have stages and ultimately have a goal to prevent pain recurrence.
A physio might coach you on your body mechanics, a warm-up routine, or breaks you could take at work. It's a good idea to set short-and long-term goals together.
Each treatment plan is individualized. Your plan might include making changes in your posture and movement. It could work on your balance and coordination. There may be neurodynamic exercises to help with neural tension. Manual therapy and soft tissue techniques could be beneficial as well. Your plan is your own.
In summary, if you would like to have your condition assessed by one of our practitioners, you can easily reach out to our office at (902) 425-3775 and our team will be happy to assist you.
1535 Dresden Row
Halifax, NS B3J 3T1
Monday - Friday7:30am - 7:00pm
Phone: (902) 425-3775
Fax: (902) 425-3774
1535 Dresden Row suite 210
Halifax, NS B3J 3T1
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